Deposits at Addictive Ink Tattoos are absolutely non-refundable for any reason.
The way we do things at Addictive Ink Tattoos, are as follows.
1.We set up a free 30 minute consultation as a curtesy for our new and returning customers. WE would hope they do realize it is work and it does cost us something. Time which can not be gotten back. but we do it because we care and we appreciate you.
2.When the process of the consultation is over we then ask the person if moving forward with an appointment is something you would want to do?
3. if the answer is yes ,we begin by saying, the way we do things is:
1. To get in the appointment booked, we require a $350 or a third of the estimate whichever is greater (plus tax) non-refundable deposit.
2. Everyone who is in our schedule has a $350 or a third of the estimate whichever is greater(plus tax) non-refundable deposit holding their spot(s).
3. We let people know we don’t even start thinking of how to work out the design before we have a commitment from them.(The non-refundable deposit)
4.Before we take any money though, we tell people to make sure they are sure and serious about wanting the tattoo, because once we have the deposit it is absolutely non-refundable.
The deposit is not extra, it goes towards the price of your tattoo in the very end, meaning ,
the last session when we finish up your tattoo it will be deducted.
Here are some of the reasons why
Addictive Ink Tattoos . has a non-refundable deposit policy.
1.The day we take a deposit, if it is done by credit/debit card ,it is deposited into the bank which charges the company transaction fees along with merchant processing fees, if we did a return, it would then cost a charge back fee plus there are also the charges to pay our accountant to reconciling accounts. If its payed with cash this is done usually the next day which requires a trip to the bank as well.( gas money and more time)
2.The money is quickly processed to pay our CRS taxes and other expenses( we try to stay on top of things). So to undo this process costs even more.
We are very busy and have new customers trying to get in every day.
This is another reason why when we take deposits we make sure people understand the deposit is non-refundable.
Once we take the deposit we block off the necessary time we have estimated to get the job done . This means no one else can book that time and because we are booked out so far in advance sometimes people seeking to get work done opt not to wait or can’t wait for one reason or another, meaning we lost that business. Which is ok when it is booked ,but, is just another reason we want people to make sure they are serious and have made up their mind before we take any money from them. Again because once its done its done.(aka non-refundable.)
We set these guidelines and process to avoid any possibility of someone changing their mind during the process. This includes making any major changes to the design, we would rather you wait till your ready than take any money from you. . We do however understand unforeseen things. So this is why we let people know “ the only way you loose your deposit is with a no call no show.” So if you have to, or you need to reschedule, for any reason , you totally can. You just never get the money back. ( non-refundable )
We also would ask that you be considerate of us having to reschedule from time to time even if you've waited a long time.We will do our best to communicate with you if this ever occurs. We also have unforeseen things happen in our lives as we are not immune to it. We also have lives outside of the studio and would ask that a you be considerate of that as well .We are one of the only industries that has a tremendous amount of homework to get to the small part of our work that people get to see.
If there is a complete change of idea or any major changes, this make be considered a new tattoo and would require a new consultation and possibly another deposit. Again we don't want to take money from anyone and or book any time if you are not sure of what you want.
So with that being said you don’t loose your deposit if something unforeseen happens, your deposit will be on record with us. But keep this in mind. It goes void after a year unless you keep in contact with us and we are aware of you needing longer. We care about our customers and would rather do their tattoos than keep their deposits. But we know what it costs us to go through the process and the deposit really doesn’t cover the cost. It just lets us know your serious and we aren't working towards nothing. We hope this helps you to understand why we do things the way we do.
Lastly, in no way are deposits considered any type of purchase for artwork. Artwork always stays property of Addictive Ink, Inc. unless other arrangements in writing are made. All artwork should be considered copywrited property of Addictive Ink , Inc.
Thank you for understanding ,we appreciate you and your business and look forward to working with you.
Addictive Ink, Inc. Management